How to boost your phone's charging speed and make it last longer?

When purchasing a smartphone people are cautious about battery life, as they would be about features like RAM and megapixels, however renowned your smartphone brand may be, but it is often seen that problems like slow charging takes birth in the phone.
Have you ever tried to know why it happens?
Then let me tell you some important and small tips related to your smartphone whose ignorance could lead you face the problem of slow charging in your phone and tips for making your battery last longer:-

• it is always appreciated to charge your phone with the same charger which came with the smartphone (or the original charger ). What we need to keep in mind is the right voltage to be used while charging. A wrong power source may damage your battery. This keeps your phone and your battery in the same condition as before and even your phone will charge with good speed.

•Switch to the Airplane mode of your phone while charging, this closes the features like internet, GPS etc. These features which run constantly drain the battery. You should turn ON GPS, Wifi, Bluetooth and other apps which run through the day only when you need them.

•Switch to battery saving mode (pre-installed). Using only the pre-installed battery saver, one downloaded from the play store or the one which is available there will only drain your battery faster.

•Minimize the brightness of the phone while charging. Adjust brightness settings to lower battery usage. Most phones come with ambient light sensors and are able to adjust their brightness. It is best to keep the phone on "AUTOMATIC- BRIGHTNESS" mode.

•Location & Signal strength - if you are in a bad network area your phone will look for a better connection and use extra power. If there are no signals, turn the aeroplane mode 'ON'. In a state of low network connectivity, adjust your network settings to use 2G or 3G, using 4G in a weak network area will drain your battery life.
These steps could solve the problem of slow charging considerably.

•Without the vibrate mode it is nearly impossible to know about phone calls and messages in the noisy cities, but at home or in office we should switch to 'silent' or 'low ringing' mode.
The vibrator uses extra power because it is a small motor which drains more energy from the battery so switching it off at such times is the best idea.

•Switch Off your phone once in a while for longer durations such as at night or before moving to the office.

With these steps in action, it is clear that your phone will be the last one standing to record and capture when others can't.

Thanks for reading the post.

Author - Saransh Agarwal (Tech N Moe)


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