Write a programme in C++ to define a class to represent a bank account.
Define a class to represent a bank account
Include the following data members and member functions
Data Members
Include the following data members and member functions
Data Members
- Name of depositor
- Account number
- Type of account
- Balance amount in account
- To assign initial values
- To Deposit an amount
- To withdraw an amount after checking the balance
- To display main balance
//Define a class to represent a bank account //Include the following data members and member functions #include<iomanip> #include<iostream> using namespace std; class BankAccount { public: string depositer; string accono; char ch; float balance; public: void initial(); void deposit(); void show(); void withdraw(); }; void BankAccount::initial() { cout<<"enter the name of depositor"<<endl; cin>>depositer; cout<<"enter account number"<<endl; cin>>accono; cout<<"enter type of account 'S' for saving account type and 'C' for current account"<<endl; cin>>ch; cout<<"!!!!CONGRATULATIONS ACCOUNT CREATED!!!!"; cout<<"initial account balance = 0.0 "<<endl; balance=0.0; BankAccount::show(); } void BankAccount::show() { cout<<"Name Of Depositor= "<<depositer<<endl; cout<<"Account Number = "<<accono<<endl; cout<<"AccountType="; if(ch=='S'||ch=='s') cout<<"SAVING"<<endl; else if(ch=='C'||ch=='c') cout<<"CURRENT"<<endl; else cout<<"BAD INPUT"<<endl; cout<<"Balance= "<<balance<<endl; } void BankAccount::deposit() { int added; cout<<"enter amount to be deposited"<<endl; cin>>added; balance=balance+added; BankAccount::show(); } void BankAccount::withdraw() { int subtracted; cout<<"Enter Amount to be WIthdrawn"<<endl; cin>>subtracted; balance=balance-subtracted; BankAccount::show(); } int main() { BankAccount obj; cout<<"Enter initial bank account details"<<endl; obj.initial(); cout<<"Deposit amount"<<endl; obj.deposit(); cout<<"Withdraw Amount"<<endl; obj.withdraw(); return 0; }
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