writing prompt day 1, 55 words, assignment, flash fiction, in an elderly home over a puzzle game.


My husband enjoys puzzles. He loves me but forgets me unless he needs something.

"Darlin, help, I've lost a piece".

"Coming... how come you lose a piece every day" and I will find the piece, but sometimes I forget where I kept it too.

Every day my wife sews unless I ask her for help!


i like the bigger versions better though


different writers prefer different things, somethings get marked as subtexts and are considered being understood from contexts. For some feelings (in the form of sentence) the dialogue speaks for them by itself! so you can but there might not really be the need for the sentence to be there or the feeling to be explicitly stated too. 

like Andrew Stanton says: "The audience wants to work for their meal, they just don't want to know that you're making them do that" 

so many edits and with help of experts, this is what we came up with, thanks


(Everyday my husband gets up to solve a new puzzle. I know he loves me but he is getting old and forgets that I am here unless he needs something of course. "Darlin' I seem to have lost a piece here! Care to help?" I know how he will need me too, "Coming... how do you lose a piece everyday" and i will find a piece for him but sometimes I forget where I kept that piece too.

Everyday my wife starts to sew, she won't come to me unless I call for her! I know how to have her spend time with me too!

My husband enjoys puzzles. He loves me but is old and forgets about me unless he needs something. "Darlin, I lost a piece here! Help me" I know how he will need me too, "Coming... how come you lose a piece every day" and I will find the piece for him but sometimes I forget where I kept that piece too.

Every day my wife starts to sew, she won't come to me unless I call her! I know how to get her to me too!

The Same person also advised me to find my own voice, to find my own style of writing!
I doubt if I will have my own unique voice after a year or a culmination of various authors. Whatever happens then, for now I have begin my own writing journey.

My husband enjoys puzzles. He loves me but forgets me unless he needs something. "Darlin, I lost a piece, help me". I know how he'll need me too, "Coming... how come you lose a piece every day" and I will find the piece for him but sometimes I forget where I kept that piece too.

Every day my wife starts to sew, she won't come to me unless I call her! I know how to get her to me too!

